Saturday, November 15, 2014

Almond Butter and Chia Seed Jam Bars

Spontaneous late night no-bake treats! Easy to make and quick! I think these are a great treat without tons of sugar! 


Almond butter base:
  • 1 cups rolled oats 
  • 1/2 cup almond butter
  • 1 tablespoon maple syrup 
  • 1/4 cup flax seeds


  • 1 cup berries
  • 4 tablespoons chia seeds
*I cheated and used pre made jam and added chia seeds to it. But do as you please! 

Chocolate topping:  

Also from This Rawsome Vegan Life, found here:
  • 1/2 cup coconut nectar or date paste (I didn't have as much date paste, but it worked out fine)
  • 3/4 cup cacao powder
  • 1/3 cup coconut oil or cacao butter, melted


1.  Start with the base and grind the oatmeal into a oat flour in a blender/food processor. Mix the oat flour with the remaining ingredients for the base layer. I put my oat flour and almond butter back in the food processor to have it mix easier. 

2. Press the base mixture into a lined pan and place in the freezer to firm up. 

3. While base is setting, make the jam layer. If making homemade, mash or blend berries until smooth and then add in chia seeds. Allow the jam to sit for 10-15 minutes as the seeds gel and thicken up. 

4. Place jam on top of oat base and place back in freezer as you mix the chocolate layer. 

5. Make date paste in a food processor after softening the dates in warm water. Mix paste with cocoa powder, and melted coconut oil. Immediately spread onto the bars as it will harden up. 

6. After spreading chocolate onto bars, place bars back in the freezer and allow to firm up for an hour before cutting. 

7. If still crumbling when cutting, like mine, place back into freezer for a few more hours, or overnight like what I did, and then more then to storage in the fridge. 

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