Saturday, July 12, 2014

Bean Avocado Mash with Lemon

I've had this awkward can of cannellini beans that I haven't had any use for in my kitchen for a while now. The original recipe of this mash, from The Garden Grazer, can e\be found here,
Originally it calls for chickpeas, but I used my cannellini as to put them out of their lonesome misery.

1 15 oz can of beans (cannellini, chickpeas, or you can experiment)
1 avocado (I used half of one)
1/2 lemon
Salt and Pepper

Rinse and drain the beans before use.
Mash the beans in a bowl, I used a fork, or you can use a blender/food processor, which may make it a bit more smooth. 
Mash in the avocado.
Squeeze in juice of 1/2 a lemon and season with salt and pepper.

I ate mine on toast with some tomato

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