Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Vegan Toasted Coconut Mocha Frappuccino

So this frappuccino, I actually used to make on the regular. 
Probably at least once every weekend for a "good job on making it through another week of my life, which I refer to as A Series of Unfortunate Events" kind of pick me up! 
What? It's tough being me. 
Today I tried it again and one of my roommates came in while I was making it, so I made another for her. (Keep in mind she is British and does not like coffee, except she really liked this MOCHA, aka coffee, frappuccino.) 
I really like making this because 
A. It's extremely easy.
B. Once you make the supplies for it you get a couple of drinks from it.
C. It's way cheaper than a fun little coffee shop or Starbucks (Although, I do enjoy spending money at both) 
D. It's vegan.
E. It's delicious.
Look at that easy peasy lemon squeezy we have 5 reasons why to make it! 
Original recipe from Minimalist Baker, found here: http://minimalistbaker.com/toasted-coconut-mocha-frappuccino/
  • 1 cup of strong brewed coffee (I made some into ice cubes, but if you do so you still need some in liquid form to make the blender blend everything.)
  • 8 coconut ice cubes (I used about 5 lite coconut milk and then 3 almond milk to make it a little lighter) *Any kind of milk will work, just coconut milk will make it creamier 
  • 1/4 toasted coconut plus more for toppings
  • 2 tablespoons of chocolate sauce plus more for topping
  • 1 tablespoon of coco powder

Recipe for chocolate sauce found from allrecipes.com at http://allrecipes.com/recipe/chocolate-sauce/?scale=8&ismetric=0
I made mine for 2 servings, but can be adjusted to how many you like!
Toast coconut flakes either in oven or stove top. Keep an eye on it because once it starts it goes quickly!

Make chocolate sauce also!

All ingredients pictured. Top left, clockwise rotation we have: Coconut milk ice cubes, toasted coconut flakes,  coffee and almond milk ice cubes, and chocolate sauce

Blend all ingredients into frappuccino

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